"To those who never bow their heads under the whip of any tyrant, to the supermen of humanity and to the great repentant sinners, because from them will come a race of Gods"
ALOGO DE OBONO | INTERNATIONAL est un cabinet consacré au contentieux pénal international et au conseil aux Etats souverains, exclusivement.
Il accompagne une clientèle privée et diplomatique devant les instances des Nations Unies, des juridictions répressives nationales et internationales sur le continent européen, asiatique et africain.
Le cabinet intervient principalement aux soutien des Etats souverains dans leur diplomatie privée, de leurs agents et de leurs représentants dans la mise en œuvre de leurs immunités diplomatiques, de leur représentation médiatique, dans la rédaction de leurs législations pénales ou encore dans l'exécution de sentences arbitrales.
Fondé par le Docteur Joaquinito Maria ALOGO DE OBONO, le cabinet dispose d'une expertise vécue en matière de protection d'agents publics étrangers et d'institutionnels mis en cause dans le cadre "d'impôts révolutionnaires" de contrats étatiques, pétroliers ou miniers ainsi que dans le gel et le recouvrement des avoirs d'Etat.
ALOGO DE OBONO | INTERNATIONAL concilie finesse et exigence, fusionne passion et ambition comme l'harmonie d'une puissante symphonie.

Dévotion et discrétion forment la colonne vertébrale du cabinet, chaque dossier en est le battement de cœur.
Pour la sauvegarde de vos intérêts, le cabinet conçoit une défense cousue main dans la rigueur et l'effacement, conscient que la cause que vous nous confiez est d'une profondeur unique, complexe et digne.

ALOGO DE OBONO | INTERNATIONAL provides each client with an exclusive, unique and tailor-made service.
Confident in his expertise in each aspect of international litigation, the approach to each case is comprehensive, inventive and bold.

| Law of diplomatic immunities
| International liability law
| Extraterritoriality of criminal legislation
| International Lakes and Watercourses Law
| Air and outer space law
| Law of Armed Conflict (Geneva & Hague Convention)
| War crimes
| Crimes against humanity
| International criminal cooperation
| Interpol & Extradition Procedures
| International Sanctions & Embargoes
| Freezing of assets & Corruption of foreign public officials

ALOGO DE OBONO | INTERNATIONAL positions itself as the first firm entirely dedicated to international litigation and advice to sovereign States.
The world has experienced major geopolitical upheavals that have also changed the framework of national and international law.
Faced with these changes, the firm is able to take charge of settling complex procedures involving sensitive personalities with high media stakes.


Holder of the highest French university degree , Maître Joaquinito Maria ALOGO DE OBONO is a Doctor of International Criminal Law, specializing in the implementation of diplomatic immunities, the protection of foreign public officials, the recovery of embezzled State assets and in the extraterritoriality of criminal legislation.
He is a researcher at the University of Paris-Saclay and teaches general criminal law at the University of Paris X and sanctions law at the same university.
A graduate of a Master's degree in Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences from the University of Paris X Nanterre as well as a Master 2 in Business, Energy and Contract Law from the University of Paris-Saclay, he started out in the Parisian firm of Maître François Manenti, specializing in business criminal law, in the litigation department of the UGGC Avocats firm and then in the International Compliance Department of BNP Paribas.
The son of a diplomat, he was forced to flee to the Kingdom of Spain to escape persecution by his grandfather , in power since 1979 following the assassination of his father in 1998 for having denounced state corruption, then Honorary Ambassador to the People's Republic of China.
He wrote the story of these events in a book entitled: Obiang: The Assassin Grandfather, President of the Largest "Democrature" in Africa, published by Le Voyageur Editions .
Master Joaquinito Maria ALOGO DE OBONO is the preferred advisor of foreign dignitaries due to his lived vision of international relations.
He works in Spanish, English and French.


With a large network of privileged relationships in France and internationally, the firm relies on leading figures and high-level legal professionals who can handle sensitive cases thanks to the authority of their expertise in very specific areas of law.

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La politique du cabinet en matière d'honoraires est notamment fixée en raison de sa notoriété, son expérience et de sa spécialité qui accompagne le temps, la recherche, la complexité et l'importance des intérêts mis en cause dans le dossier que nous avons la charge de porter pour vous.
Un médiateur se tient à votre disposition ainsi que le Bâtonnier de l'Ordre des avocats.

A L O G O D E O B O N O | I N T E R N A T I O N A L
47, Boulevard de Courcelles
75008, Paris | France

A L O G O D E O B O N O | I N T E R N A T I O N A L
47, Boulevard de Courcelles
75008, Paris | France